Empowering families to ACHIEVE success through education.
As we wrap up another great school year, we would like to thank the Children's Board of Hillsborough County for awarding us a Technical Assistance grant that allowed us to purchase some much needed items to better serve the children and families enrolled in our programs. We appreciate your support!

Adult English Classes
Providing a rigorous, yet fun English class experience for second-language learners through reading, writing, grammar, conversation and listening activities in whole-group and independent level based groups, Monday- Thursday.

Students engage in a variety of cooperative learning strategies intended to enhance learning by meeting the needs of all individual students' learning styles.
Preschool and Intergenerational
Learning Activities (ILA)
While parents are increasing their English vocabulary and skills, thier preschool children are learning in the room across the hall. Each day, parents leave their classroom for mid-morning engagement with their children in ILA,

each of which is a mini lesson with a focus on one activity to support the children's class learning goal for the day.
Elementary Tutoring
Parents who have elementary aged children return to our site on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon for K- 5th grade tutoring support. Through games, conversation, reading, writing, and interaction, our After

School Achievers work to build their foundational reading skills, fluency, sight-word knowledge, accuracy, spelling, phonics, comprehension and composition to help them move forward most successfully in their academic progression
Parenting Workshops
We work to build relationships and communication with our local schools to bridge the skills and development needs for each individual child. While the elementary children are receiving support from certified

teachers, the adults are in a separate room, focused either on boosting their English performance or developing their parenting skills.
Story Time on the Go
The Story Time on the Go Program's aim is to involve as many preschool families as possible, including ACHIEVE children and other preschoolers from the community. Once per month, we gather around a book that matches a theme.

We also travel to a different place each month to enhance the reading experience with the building of background knowledge from the location where the story is read. The story, the location, and the craft that the children complete all help to provide a valuable opportunity to learn in the most hands-on way.
Community Relationship Building
The Achieve Plant City programs not only embed litercy skills in every educational activity, but also encourage relationship building through social activities within our facility and

surrounding community. We schedule gatherings with our families at local restaurants and events as we encourage our students to move beyond our walls and become involved in their community. We are extremely grateful for the belief in the work that Achieve Plant City does every day, and we continue to build relationships with our community to promote acts of service by our students through giving back!